ORD [The Oracle of Real-estate Development]
ORD [The Oracle of Real Estate Development] is a mobile participatory project about massive real estate development.
Ever wonder why NYC has so much real estate development? What happened with Amazon's plan to move in? Or whatever happened to the former 5Pointz, the world’s graffiti mecca? Maybe you want to know why rents are so damn high? Or why you should care what ULURP means? Ask the Oracle!
Ask ORD your questions on real estate topics including zoning, affordable rents (ha!), studio space, displacement, infrastucture, speculation, property values, etc.
ORD has answers.
street participation (performance?)
q & a poem
collaborative spontaneous performance of poem
artifacts (poems)
ORD Appearances
Art in Odd Places
Flux Factory's Self Storage
Long Island City Arts Open
NY Art Book Fair
Some Questions People Have Asked ORD
Am I going to become homeless, due to greed?
Are all the industrial buildings going to disappear?
Is gentrification inevitable?
Why are developers so greedy?
What should we do with “undeveloped” space if not sell it off?
Why is affordable housing not affordable?
Where can I go to find a room for maybe $800?
When will rents in NYC begin to go down?
What would really benefit this area’s residents & citizens?
When 5Pointz was whitewashed, where did all the colors, words and characters in the artwork migrate to?